You are currently browsing the daily archive for December 20, 2013.

Thank you, Méline.

n6543_ing_full-cats-eye-nebula1Rest Dearest Ones, that is what we wish to speak to you about today. With so many planetary occurrences and activity in these moments, not to mention the waves of energy that so many of you are feeling at this important time, your self care is of the utmost importance.

The occurrence of the Solstice tomorrow is a magnificent time to anchor in the new frequencies that have been available to you as well as to honor the progress you have made. It is a celebration of the balance of life and the return of the light.    Read more



You sit today completely immersed in an energy that, although it is not completely new to you, has become so intense that you feel it continually and not only when you are meditating or sitting quietly. Read the rest of this entry »

Thank you, Aisha.

aisha north

Many of you have already stepped into the fast lane, a space where time seems to stand still, and everything about you seems to do the exact opposite. For now, the changes you have gone through already will have made way for what is coming in, and as such, you will find yourself overflowing at times with all of these energetic missives hurtling at you from seemingly all directions. Our words may seem bewildering, as indeed this whole period will seem to be very bewildering to many of you, for it will be difficult to settle in and find a way to describe just what is happening within you. For as you know so well by now, the process referred to as ascension is in all aspects an internal one, whereas your entire programming is being adjusted so that you are finally able to function fully on all of your…

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Mike QuinseyThe turmoil of the year is being set aside as many people prepare to celebrate in accordance with their beliefs. It has become a tradition that is also accepted by those who have no special affiliation with religious beliefs. The result is that all kinds of people find that they can come together, and set aside their different beliefs and understanding to celebrate the unity of all Mankind. The energies rise up and a feeling of love to all people brings out the best in them. Suddenly there is particular concern for all those who are poor or destitute, often in a society that is otherwise fully able to support all of them.  Read the rest of this entry »

The Creator Writings


Begin each moment with the wonder of a “first” and the passion of a “last” because each

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Jesus through John

We are very rapidly approaching the moment for which you have all been praying while strongly holding the intent to bring it about, and your prayers and intent have been and continue to be extremely powerful.  You will not be disappointed. God has promised and He always delivers.  Many of you are feeling the stress of waiting very intensely, and it is causing you anxiety.  Therefore you need to relax daily into your quiet inner space and allow your guides, mentors, and guardian angels to talk to you, and uplift you and inspire you as they embrace you in a loving hug.

You are the beloved children of God, eternally enfolded in His loving embrace, and that will never change.  The illusion – your present state of experiencing life as humans – is not your natural state, it is unreal, it is a concept that you imagined into existence…

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