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councilThe Council

Some of you are starting to get your bearings in this new energy environment. If that includes you, know that you are only beginning, have a long way to go, and you will not need to do it all yourselves. Read the rest of this entry »

councilThe Council

We have determined that it is now time to explore for and with you, as you read or hear this message, your purpose and chosen journey from this council to your current incarnate state. You often hear this mentioned in one way or another, but seldom do many of you allow yourselves to truly understand the magnitude of the thing you have chosen to do. After all, you are just another in a long line of billions of personalities in body on your beautiful blue orb, are you not? Well, no. You are not. But also, yes, you are. It is the amazing value and worth of this that we would discuss today. Read the rest of this entry »

councilThe Council

We will address at this time the more widespread experiencing of what you would term ascension symptoms.

Now, it appears to some as if any ache or pain that you have, if you call yourself a lightworker, can be called an ascension symptom. That is almost true, but true in the sense that a headache can be indicative of quite a wide variety of ailments. Read the rest of this entry »

councilThe Council

We return this day to speak with you regarding the shift that you now recognize as an ongoing part of your beings. You have, for some time, been aware that changes are now a part of your inner life. Everything, actually, is changing for you, just as you have expressed the desire for. This gives us a wide choice of what to discuss. We choose your knowing, or a part thereof. Read the rest of this entry »


Michael and the Council of Higher Selves

Today, as we have just discussed with this channel, we will begin an entirely new type of communication.


It is our intent, with his agreement, to begin an ongoing conversation concerning whatever topics are of the utmost concern to those of you who follow our message.  It is true that each of you is unique and on a journey unlike any other in many ways.  But it is also true that there are many very close similarities among you.  There are many concerns, therefore, that you hold in common.


So we will, from today, begin a conversation with you that is ongoing and not divided into self-contained bite-sized pieces.  You will no doubt have noticed that ‘the message’, if you think of it in that way, has been merging into a oneness of purpose, across the globe, no matter the channel we are using to express it.  Differences in topic and wording do not keep the message from neatly dovetailing together into a wholeness.  This is by design.


It is true, after all, that you are all on a path to the same destination.  And although you all have to start from wherever you stand, many of the obstacles, and indeed victories, are the same for many, if not all of you.  The planetary environment in which you find yourself is the same for all, even as the individual one is separate and unique.  And the planned steps to be taken by the majority are often very much alike, as the energy envelope you are in and the current states of your consciousness are similar.


There is now developing, for instance, a growing awareness of the change in light quality, color, and energy around you.  You are being urged, by us, to become aware of other facets of yourselves than you have ever given much thought to.  Increasing numbers of you are having what seems like vast expansions of awareness and consciousness which are fleeting but never to be forgotten.  They leave you amazed and changed.


All of these things are there for you to explore.  They are all stepping stones on your pathway.  And please realize that your pathway, as we are discussing it, is internal.  We are not going to be discussing what outer, meaning physical, steps you might take in your lives.


We fully understand that those are important to you.  Your current life is the current focus of your being, and rightly so.  But it is not the focus of our guidance, and will not be.  Your outward steps will be determined by the being you construct from what you learn and become.  And that is as it should be, as well.


We urge you now to give some consideration to the great and powerful steps you have taken in your recent past, as you see it.  You need now to give yourselves credit for the people that you have become so that you will feel more of your ability to become those you will be after this amazing year you are entering.


There is a lot spoken of regarding the fields of light and energy through which you are passing, we have done a lot of that here, but we have spoken little of the fact that it would not be so had you not attracted it, and its intensity, with your amazing progress.


There is not one atom in your physical body which has not been affected by this.  There is not one thought that has not been, in some way, modified.  The possibilities and probabilities of your coming time have, and continue to be changed.  And you are learning that the guidance system best available to you, both collectively and individually, is your imagination and intent.


These are things which have always been true, but which most of you are only now becoming reacquainted with.  So there will be quite a lot of things for us to expand upon.  We will determine the course of our conversation by observing your course and progress.  We will give you things to consider as we go.  And we will let you determine what is most appropriate to you at those times.


But we urge you not to throw anything away out of hand.  Perhaps build a may-need-this-later shelf in your mental attic.


We will not use our normal way of ending these messages today.  Instead we will say, “Till next time.”



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Photo by Gretchen Hermey

Photo by Gretchen Hermey



We wish now to discuss with you the expanding awareness of Self.  You will note that we have written that with a capital S.  We do not wish you understand that we are referring to the parts of yourselves which are currently conscious for most of you.  And we say most of you because your state of awareness varies widely from individual to individual. Read the rest of this entry »

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