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The Council

Today we will revisit another topic. The reason that we continue to do this is very simple, and we are sure it will be no surprise to you. It is well known to many of you, especially those of you who are or have been teachers, that returning to subjects that one has been exposed to before deepens understanding. Consider that on a subsequent review of a topic one brings an entirely different understanding than one had before. We will have ‘digested’ what we learned before and you will bring further life experiences to the table. Read the rest of this entry »


Beloved ones,

The times require as many people as possible to hold a positive vision and intention for the world. Please take a few moments several times a day to intend a better world, one that is free from the chaos and destruction depicted on the mainstream media. Decree and affirm peace to manifest here on Earth!  Your determination to hold joy, harmony and goodwill helps more than you can ever know. There are those who would have you believe that there is no hope for the people of the world and that is just not so! Stand strong and stand tall, radiate the luminous light of the divine from within you, counteract the bombardment of that which is not of the highest and balance it with your light and your love. Work your magic from now until the end of this year to ground even more of the higher cosmic light!Beloved Ones,


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councilThe Council

We have spoken before on the topic of oneness, we wish to revisit it today. Will you understand it when we are done? Will you ever completely understand it? Let us tell you now, before we begin, that your learning, as well as our own, will never be over. Things never cease to change and evolve. But we are curious beings, are we not? And so let us see if perhaps we can give you a new thing or two to consider. Read the rest of this entry »


The Council

We will speak today of predictions. We know they are a favorite of all of you. We also know that they are being used to raise the hopes of all of humanity at his time. We know that into this category also fall ‘dire warnings’. And these are being used for quite the opposite effect. Some of the more fantastic predictions that appear positive are, in reality, being used because those who begin them imagine that they will lead to great disappointment. So let’s discuss all of this. Read the rest of this entry »

MatthewWith loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Earth is orbiting in astral planes wherein vibrations are impacting your society at a quickening pace. As linear time is “crunching up,” everything in your world is being pushed more swiftly toward remedy, resolution or final moment, and third density karmic experiences are moving faster toward completion. Read the rest of this entry »


 Love is breaking out. Peace and freedom will surely follow. For those who continue to insist that nothing is happening, we have this response. You are wrong. Sorry, but you are wrong. The inner changes of millions of people are indeed happening now. Read the rest of this entry »


Beloved Ones,

As the world moves further into the higher frequencies that are available now, there will be a long period of adjustment, with a series of intense energy downloads and then there will be a resting time to allow the body to align and fully integrate with the new enhanced version of self. There are so many of you struggling to surrender former limitations and thought patterns that limit further movement right now. This activity will become much easier to accomplish now that a shift into higher octaves has taken place. There will be a lifting of the mental and emotional blocks that have kept you from taking your rightful place on the stage of life in the new world reality.

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councilThe Council

Some of you are starting to get your bearings in this new energy environment. If that includes you, know that you are only beginning, have a long way to go, and you will not need to do it all yourselves. Read the rest of this entry »

councilThe Council

Many of you are going through what seems to you to be a rather bumpy period at this time. You are thinking, “What are they blathering about… a great leap toward a new way of being? I haven’t had a great leap! If anything this is worse.” Read the rest of this entry »


Beloved Ones,

The grounding of the higher cosmic light into and upon the planet has moved into its next phase. Those who have been doing this work are now moving into position to offer divine truths to those who now awaken. The awakening ones come to seek that which they need to bring them into a quicker integration with the new energies and the new consciousness. As beacons of the higher light and truth, the lightworkers of the world are working together at the higher levels of being to coordinate their efforts. In unity, they work on the transformation of the planet and all her inhabitants to proceed in a way that allows the opening of consciousness and awareness in the greatest number of souls. It is the time to make learning fun and enlightening at the same time. Many of you who have established your spiritual presence and credentials are now able to do this with a greater ease and grace. As the universe works with you, through you and for you, synchronistic events take place in miraculous and truly magical ways.

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MARY MAGDALENE: The Coming Wave of Change

Image By Malene Thyssen (Own work)

Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On August 14, 2015

Question: I’ve been hearing that we’re about to receive a great wave of big change, beginning at the end of September and continuing over the next six months or so. The changes will be very dramatic, including Earth changes, dissolution of governmental systems, and a lot of other changes on the planet, along with a raising of consciousness with all of this change. Is this correct?


Mary Magdalene: It is very natural for humans to want to know what is about to happen. Indeed, changes of the nature you are describing have been predicted for quite some time now.


In fact, no one can predict what is going to happen. It is not written. It is not created. You are creating it now. Not you alone, but you in concert with all the beings involved. There are beings involved who you may not be aware of. It is always the case that there are many beings at many levels involved. But at the third dimension, most people are not aware of that. There are a great many factors and forces at work here.

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councilThe Council

It is now a bit of time since the super moon and the equinox that was said to be many things. Congratulations. You’ve made it. Somehow it seems as if the world did not come to an end. And somehow, even though you do not seem to be able to put your finger on it, you feel that something is different. Well, you are correct, it is. And if you allow us, we will put our finger on it for you. Read the rest of this entry »


Beloved Ones,

The world is in a far reaching transition into a higher level of consciousness and this is a difficult time for many as the changes within occur. The people of Earth are asked to let go of all previous expectations in regards to how their lives in the material realm should look like and to be so obsessed with it. Each individual needs to spend time alone to readjust and revaluate those areas of their lives, particularly looking at where their personal energy is being utilized. It is a time to look at self as the creator of all that one is experiencing. It is time to take responsibility for all choices made individually and collectively. This can be overwhelming to one who wants to live true to self yet still live their material life and interact with the others around them. It is difficult to move past the self and society imposed limitations that have beset them and to really focus on creating a peaceful and prosperous life. However, this is what will be addressed from this point on.

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My apologies for not being able to clear up the problems with this morning’s post. Here is another copy.

The Council

We wish to discuss today the expectation of, and the reality of, this expected ‘portal’ of ascension that many of you are placing your hopes upon. We think it is a topic that should be understood now so that you do not continue to set yourselves up for such disappointments as you seem to repeatedly do. Read the rest of this entry »

Tcouncilhe Council

We wish to discuss today the expectation of, and the reality of, this expected ‘portal’ of ascension that many of you are placing your hopes upon. We think it is a topic that should be understood now so that you do not continue to set yourselves up for such disappointments as you seem to repeatedly do. Read the rest of this entry »

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