Hi Ron,

I just want to give you a big cyber hug as a thank you for last night’s session! I’m truly amazed at the instantaneous transformation of my mood and demeanor. I feel like my normal, joyful self again. I could feel everything you did. When you did the chakra balancing, I felt a lot of pressure around the heart chakra, and then it just melted away. And the same happened with the third eye opening. And finally, at the end when you sent the unconditional love from Creator, I felt it so deeply that it made me teary.
And I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the fact that just seeing your face made me happy and calm. You are truly a gift to this world!
Thank you!
I have found working with you and your ThetaHealing so valuable and powerful.  It has helped me release big blockages that stood in the way of my spiritual growth.  My sessions with you have helped me get “unstuck” and continue on, feeling my heart open each time.  You have a gift of finding the root of my issue and releasing it in a powerful yet gentle way, leaving me feeling refreshed and full of God’s loving energy.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Terri W.
This was So Much Fun!! and so informative! I really am remembering ‘who’ I AM. I resonate with the answers very strong…part of me says..you could find these answers if you tried harder. And then another part of me really enjoys having you connect me. I enjoy working with you my Friend. The connection and answers are guiding me to Being more confident. I find myself going out and moving ahead with plans that I would have hesitated with before.  Awesome answers Ron!!! You said it was fun…did the answers come easy again?…. WoW!!! I had a feeling the Being who showed me the city was a He…And WOW!!!! I was about sixteen when I felt a connection to Socrates..I will have to pull out some of my old books…and perhaps try and speak with him. Ron, Thank You sooo much! This journey we share is incredible..and so magical!!! My Heart is full of Light.. Onward!!!    And a Thank You to my Guides, Creator, Star Family, Soul Family and Angels ~ Especially My Friend Archangel Michael.. ~ In Humble Gratitude

Dear Ron,

A huge warm hug of Love and gratitude for this reading ! When reading it I was so moved with lots of emotions going around in my heartspace.

The answers from Creator confirm most of my intuitive feelings, which for me really means that I have to learn to trust more what my heart speaks.

Humanity seems to have been cut off so drastically from that inner voice, I recognize that all too much and therefore doubts surface regularly as if there are two “me’s” in this body of mine.

I will need to take out more time to find a peaceful moment during the day to recenter and ground, this may enable me to connect better to my heartspace. It is just that the time flies by with our busy schedules!

Dear Ron, thank you again for all you do and share… let’s continue to make this world a better place!

Love & Light,



Thank you, Ron! This was very helpful. I have been reading the words over and over. I was very moved to receive this message meant for me–such a profound and unique experience. I will definitely be returning more, if only for this wonderful context to feel the love and care behind the words.

Marie B.


Dear Ron,

I wanted to write to you again and tell you how grateful I am for our ThetaHealing session last Wednesday evening. Remember, I had told you that I wanted to change my state of being, raise my vibration and open my heart again, before the Winter Solstice arrived. And with our ThetaHealing session, I achieved that and even more. I had a wonderful day yesterday, on the Winter Solstice. Now, I feel that my heart is literally wide open, so loving and accepting. I have been feeling a vibration all over my body, buzzing/ringing in my ears, sharper sense perception. The fear that had captured me just a week ago has disappeared. There is a family member that I have felt resistance in me whenever we communicated; but when we spoke today, I did not feel any resistance but only acceptance this time. My meditations have become deeper and joyful. Thank you so much Ron!  Having met you has been such a blessing and pleasure! Looking forward to talking to you again.

Much love, Aycan Morris