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MatthewWith loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Earth is orbiting in astral planes wherein vibrations are impacting your society at a quickening pace. As linear time is “crunching up,” everything in your world is being pushed more swiftly toward remedy, resolution or final moment, and third density karmic experiences are moving faster toward completion. Read the rest of this entry »


With loving greetings on behalf of all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Early along Earth’s ascension course, energy surges were mild and occasional, and most of the populace mutely continued to accept the status quo. When the planet reached planes where the surges were stronger and more frequent, outspokenness about intolerable conditions and heated activity began in earnest. Now voices throughout your world are rising to a crescendo as the peoples are forcefully freeing themselves from the last vestiges of millennia of control by dark minds and hearts.

All along during Earth’s journey, lightworkers have been in the vanguard of world-changers. We know that at times you feel weary, even in moments despondent, about the pace of progress, and not only because a number of you recently have written this to my mother. Although the selected examples were edited for brevity, the cited parts preserve the writers’ sentiments and express those of the others who wrote, feelings we know that many more of you share.

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MatthewWith loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. I thank all of you who wrote about this part of our last message: Insects also serve the purpose of souls whose lifetime energy consigned them to the basest part of third density spirit realms. …. You will welcome knowing that insects cannot survive in the higher vibratory levels where Earth is heading, and their place in the food chain no longer will be needed.

I should have said “those” before the words “insects” in both statements to make clear that the informationpertained only to insects in the reader’s question about the purpose of “…roaches, fleas, mosquitoes, etc.?”—the kinds of insects that cause or spread disease or are just plain nuisances. So, dear ones, you can welcome knowing that honey bees will be with you as long as their valuable service is desired and honored; and other splendid little life forms that delight you, like butterflies, dragonflies, lady bugs and lightning bugs, also will continue to grace your world with their beauty and uniqueness as Earth moves into ever-higher vibratory planes.

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June 24, 2015

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. As information from countless sources pours in, please keep in mind that only some is factual—much is disinformation, misinformation, incomplete coverage, skewed perceptions or uninformed opinions—and that everything that actually is happening is purposeful. This includes teetering or bankrupt economies; protests about injustices; terrorism; weather extremes and natural disasters; massive numbers of refugees; corporate and governmental shake-ups; and yes, even FIFA’s scandalous operation. Everything going on in your world is serving to fulfill chosen karmic experiences or aiding Earth’s return to environmental health or stirring minds that have been stuck in the oblivion of third density’s limitations. Read the rest of this entry »

MatthewWith loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Let us speak first about the earthquakes in Nepal in the context of planetary and personal ascension. Mother Nature was dispersing negativity produced primarily by bloodshed and the fearful, dire conditions in which vast numbers of your population are living. If negativity were allowed to accumulate, it would upset Earth’s tenuous balance and adversely affect her ascension course; to preclude that, she is using quakes, tremors, volcanic eruptions and severe storms to release negativity as it gathers.

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With loving greeting from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Happenings during the past months have prompted numerous lightworkers to ask and many others to ponder: Why is the free will of people who do terrible things given priority over the free will of people who don’t want to be terrorized or killed?

Beloved family, never has priority been given to anyone, nor could it ever be. Rulers of the universes are bound to honor Creator’s gift of free will to everysoul, and God incorporated that edict in the laws that govern life in this universe. Like everything else in existence, the laws are energy and energy has no reasoning ability, no capacity for prioritizing or decision-making about anything whatsoever. All energy can do is vibrate at one frequency or another in accordance with how it is used, and in our explanation, it is how people who live on Earth use it.

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MatthewWith loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Evidence of the ever-growing light can become obscured by what may seem endless turmoil, and we know that in those moments it is difficult to keep foremost in your thoughts: the light is victorious. In the months ahead, you shall see this more clearly as discussions behind closed doors start bearing fruit that you will heartily welcome. Read the rest of this entry »

MatthewWith loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We have been asked if the Illuminati have any role in the fighting going on in Ukraine and what ISIS is doing. Yes, major roles in both, but since they are “behind the scene,” so to say, they aren’t historically or currently attributed to the Illuminati. The unrest in Ukraine stems from wars they initiated long ago to form new national borders without any regard for the differing cultures and history of the affected peoples, and ISIS’ goal of creating an Islamic State has its emotional roots in wars started in Afghanistan and Iraq by Illuminati within the United States government.

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MatthewWith loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Before we speak about recent events, we say that throughout this year you will see the pace and number of significant occurrences increase as vibrations heighten. Earth’s energy field of potential, which looks like perpetual fireworks, reflects the light’s accelerated momentum due to lightworkers’ efforts and our universal family’s stepped-up activity on your behalf.

Two “accidents” have been the cause of both grief and gratitude. It was not “good luck” that some individuals who intended to be on AirAsia Flight 8501 were not: Their time was not up. They don’t know that is why they missed the flight; they and all who love them simply are grateful that they did. As heartbreaking as it is for families and friends of everyone who went down with the plane, the soul contracts of all aboard called for their transitioning at that time. Had they not left by that means, they would have departed suddenly in some other way soon afterwards.

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MatthewWith loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. During this season of sacred and social celebrations, Earth is aglow with countless sparkles as those who have much are sharing generously with those who have little. Some of you have written that you feel guilty about enjoying parties and other entertainment because so many people don’t have even basic needs. Beloved family, be joyful, be excited and grateful for happy times with family and friends! This is how life on Earth is meant to be, and the soaring vibrations of those light-filled feelings are broadening the highway to a better world for all peoples.

Traditionally the year’s waning days is a time to reflect upon one’s accomplishments during the preceding months. For lightworkers this includes growth in mind and spirit—and how admirably you have grown! You may think this is despite serious challenges, but it is because of them. When you encountered obstacles or setbacks, you summoned your inner strength and kept going; when one door closed, you looked for another to open; through your determination to keep moving forward, you kept growing in wisdom, courage and spirit.

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MatthewWith loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We are happy to address questions about our last message as well as requests for our views on recent events, and we begin with the robot satellite landing on a comet. Maneuvering an object so it can meet up with one whizzing through space is no small feat, and we say, Good show! Clearly, this merits celebration as a technological triumph, but we also see its greater significance: Your civilization is looking toward the stars peaceably—not all that long ago the intention of a few on Earth was to wage war in space. In time, your civilization will have the desire and capability to visit the distant homelands of universal brothers and sisters.

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MatthewWith loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. For the most part, mainstream media coverage of Ebola is straightforward; but like most major world issues, it is marked by political finger-pointing, particularly regarding the few cases in Spain and the United States. Given your mobile world, the appearance of symptoms several days after onset of the disease and their similarity to symptoms of other maladies, the sickness popping up outside of the heavily-stricken western African countries was inevitable. The heartening aspect is that the medical community has been given a forum to allay fear that the disease can spread out of control. Of course, no one can report that once again the light is insuring that the Illuminati’s intention to create a pandemic and worldwide fear is a failure.

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Ebola outbreak; other laboratory-designed viruses; ascension-related symptoms; health, soul contracts; strengthening immune system; light absorption; chronic low energy, unbalanced relationships

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Several of the numerous readers who are asking about the Ebola outbreak referred to it as the “Ebola scare”—and rightly so, as scare is one of the reasons the virus was recently released again. When it was developed in a laboratory by Illuminati scientists almost 40 years ago, the intentions were twofold: to create a pandemic and to instill in peoples the fear that accompanies a virulent, contagious disease.


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With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. In addressing readers’ most recent questions, we cite one that is the essence of all: Was Scotland’s rejection of independence a setback for world progress? We don’t see it that way. We see as progress that there was an election, that the citizens of Scotland could, and did, peaceably make their case for sovereignty. Although the outcome disappointed forward-looking Scots, their forceful call for independence made clear to the government of Britain that there must be changes in their relationship not only with the people of Scotland, but also of Wales and Ireland.

For the moment it remains to be seen how quickly the proposed changes will come about and to what extent they will satisfy the citizens of those countries. In the longer term, governmentally-imposed regulations, restrictions, penalties and tax levies will cease everywhere. All of Earth’s peoples will know their divinity in the Oneness of All, their innate knowledge and powers as multidimensional beings, and everyone will respect the sanctity of everything within Creation.

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With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Several of the numerous readers who are asking about the Ebola outbreak referred to it as the “Ebola scare”—and rightly so, as scare is one of the reasons the virus was recently released again. When it was developed in a laboratory by Illuminati scientists almost 40 years ago, the intentions were twofold: to create a pandemic and to instill in peoples the fear that accompanies a virulent, contagious disease.

We are not minimizing Ebola’s severity today by saying that it was indeed then a sickness to dread. It spread rapidly and claimed many lives before it was brought under control; and the outbreak resulted in rampant negativity due to the large death toll, grief, chaos and fear. Now, healthy persons who contract the disease and receive appropriate treatment can recover, and, just as happens with any serious illness, persons who die had weak immune systems before exposure to Ebola or their systems became severely stressed by the fatigue of caring for patients. This time around the Illuminati will not achieve anywhere near the measure of negativity intended, nor did their other relatively recent attempts to devastate Earth’s population produce it.

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