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We begin today with a discussion of the current state of affairs in your world.  Many more have become, or are becoming, aware of the presence of divine and extra-terrestrial beings that are here to aid you.  Most are knowledgeable enough to understand the benevolent intent of our presence.

We wish to point out that, were there any ill intent on the part of the galactic peoples, they could have long, long ago taken control of your planet.  You have records of their presence from at least the last seventy of your years.  At that time, given the technology necessary to travel here, it would have been a matter of days to achieve any aggressive purposes.  They have not done so.  You have records of them disabling your most fearsome weapons temporarily.  After proving their point, the weapons came back online.  At no time has any aggressive action been taken against you, even though the converse cannot be said.  Many times they have needed to defend themselves.

Many decloakings are about to be scheduled.  Some will involve a number of ships.  This will continue until any fear of your galactic brothers and sisters dies down.  Your calm assurances to you neighbors and friends can hasten this occurrence.  Merely point out the above facts to them.  At the same time, you will begin seeing evidence of individual meetings and technological gifts that will help to allay any fears, as well.

There is an ever increasing need for our presence on the surface of the planet to commence.  Our primary objective is your attainment of higher consciousness, and this will be much more rapidly achieved when we can interact with all of you.  A huge energetic boost to that end is occurring and will continue to increase in strength.  Those who suspect your sun’s activity of providing impetus to your advancement are correct, but the truth involves many more factors than that.  Rather open yourselves to the divine influences no matter the source.  The entire universe is working to achieve that end.  Perhaps you are already noticing changes in your emotional and energetic selves.  Our advice is to see those as first steps in attaining all you have imagined.  Your progress is watched with loving amazement.  Tomorrow, then.  Good day.