You are currently browsing the daily archive for March 20, 2013.

The Creator Writings

For most of your life you have allowed society and those close to you to tell you exactly who you are. It is time, my beautiful child, for a change! If you are feeling awesome, tell yourself and others, “I’m AWESOME!” If you are feeling compassionate, beautiful, loving or strong, do the same. From this point forward no one can do it for you. Define yourself! ~ Creator

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Photo by Gretchen Hermey


Photo by Gretchen Hermey



Today is the first day of the season you call Spring.  It is also the first day of the energy of new growth for each of you personally.  This year your yield will be great.  But, just as it is for the farmers in their fields, it will not come without diligent care and attention. Read the rest of this entry »

aisha north

So here we are dear ones, on this day of joy and celebration. For many of you, this day has already begun during the darkest hours of the night, as we wager that more than a few have had some visitations from some rather intense energies during your otherwise more restful sleeping hours. Well, let us just say that you will have many more encounters like this in the next few hours and days, but know that although some of these visitors may seem to be a little bit disturbing to your physical system, they are all benign. But we have to say they are nothing if not effective, as they charge through, bringing so much awakening in their wake. For this is what is happening to you all now, dear ones. Just as with Sleeping Beauty, one by one you are taken in hand, and gently, or in some…

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Jesus through John

Reality — the Oneness of God and all of His creation — awaits humanity’s awakening with delighted anticipation in the certain knowledge that it is inevitable, that nothing can stop the process that you are undergoing or prevent you from entering into the glory that is your destiny and your heritage.  The intense new energies that have been pouring across the planet since December 2012 have been sweeping all before them into Reality’s loving embrace, and this has led to a magnificent softening of attitudes in the hearts of all on the planet.

As you follow the news as reported by your mainstream media, this is not immediately apparent because they focus on the bad news – political, economic, social, and religious – as their lead items, but if you delve a little deeper you can see reports which confirm that a softening of attitudes is most definitely taking place…

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Johnsmallman's Blog

Humanity is on a roll!  Yes, you really are.  The pace of change in attitudes and behaviors all across the world is gathering momentum as the newly engaged-with energies that were released to you in December 2012 strengthen your collective intent to awaken and eternally enjoy Reality — your normal fully conscious and fully enlightened state.

In that wondrous state, Love is the engine, the creative energy, the divine power grid that maintains, supports, and makes possible all that exists.  It is totally clean, infinitely abundant, fulfilling, and available, and from It all of creation receives everything it could ever need or conceive of to maintain infinite quantities of live, loving, intelligent consciousness, creating further abundance in perfect beauty and harmony, eternally.

The most practical form of allegory I can use to give you some tiny comprehension of Love is to compare It to electricity.  Electricity flows easily and powerfully…

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