images (3)I remember a time when something could happen in another city, another country, or on another continent without my knowing about it. I remember when it didn’t interrupt my day, I remember when it did not impinge upon my consciousness. I remember when it did not put me, or anyone around me, into a state of fear.

I am not saying, at all, that we should not be concerned with the welfare of others. Of course we should. What I am saying is that it is time for us to take back our control over our emotional lives and realize that if we look around us we will see that by far the greatest number of us are not threatened at all by things that occur so far away.

It is never comfortable to witness an event that has endangered or even ended another life. But if we can look at what is happening objectively for a moment, we will see that, regardless of how it is being presented to us, our own lives are not affected by it in the least. We are allowing the narrative to alarm us.

It seems to me that we should be mature enough by now to be roused to compassionate action or thought and not stampeded into unthinking and fearful defensive behaviors.

Intentionally or not, the media that we are addicted to uses the constant barrage of images and interpretive narration to sell ideas and products. We are all aware of that on some level. Our own decision not to be used in this manner can have a great effect upon our own peace of mind and therefore a far reaching effect on our society.

Just sayin’ that it may be something we should think about.